Authority search results

Results 1 to 6 of 6

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Topical Term:
used for/see from:
Cálculo algebraico
Estructuras algebraicas
see also:
Análisis p-ádico (Narrower heading)
Congruencias y residuos (Narrower heading)
Formas (Matemáticas) (Narrower heading)
Ecuaciones (Narrower heading)
Polinomios (Narrower heading)
Módulos (Algebra) (Narrower heading)
Productos infinitos (Narrower heading)
Series (Matemáticas) (Narrower heading)
Análisis combinatorio (Narrower heading)
Análisis espinorial (Narrower heading)
Matemáticas (Broader heading)
Algebra conmutativa (Narrower heading)
Algebra multilineal (Narrower heading)
Algebras asociativas (Narrower heading)
Algebras de semigrupos (Narrower heading)
Algebras no conmutativas (Narrower heading)
Algoritmos (Narrower heading)
Determinantes (Narrower heading)
Grupos, Teoría de (Narrower heading)
Factores (Algebra) (Narrower heading)
Interpolación (Narrower heading)
Logaritmos (Narrower heading)
Números, Teoría de (Narrower heading)
Permutaciones (Narrower heading)
Representaciones de álgebras (Narrower heading)
Sucesiones (Matemáticas) (Narrower heading)
Details Topical Term 36 records
Topical Term:
Algebra de vectores
used for/see from:
Algebra vectorial
Vectores, Algebra de
see also:
Algebra lineal (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Algebra lineal
used for/see from:
Algebras lineales
see also:
Complejos (Matemáticas) (Narrower heading)
Pseudoinversas (Narrower heading)
Algebra de tensores (Narrower heading)
Algebra de vectores (Narrower heading)
Algebra universal (Broader heading)
Análisis matemático (Broader heading)
Espacios generalizados (Broader heading)
Algebras no asociativas (Narrower heading)
Espacios vectoriales (Narrower heading)
Lie, Algebras de (Narrower heading)
Jordan, Algebras de (Narrower heading)
Productos tensoriales (Narrower heading)
Clifford, Algebras de (Narrower heading)
Schur, Complemento de (Narrower heading)
Details Topical Term 8 records
Topical Term:
Algebra Vectorial
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Equivalencia racional (Geometría algebraica)
see also:
Geometría algebraica (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Lógica algebraica
see also:
Boole, Algebra de (Narrower heading)
Details Topical Term 3 records